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XAT 2017 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here is a collection of frequently asked questions about the Xavier Admission Test (XAT), the entrance test to get an admission to Xavier Labour Research Institute, XLRI Jamshedpur. Details including the structure of XAT, how to apply for XAT, eligibility to take XAT and many other useful information is covered in this section.
- What is the XAT?
The Xavier Admission Test (XAT) is a management school entrance exam conducted by the Xavier Labour Relations Institutes (XLRI), Jamshedpur every year. This is the first step in getting an admission into XLRI or one of the other affiliated business schools that use XAT for their admissions process.
However, note that registering and taking the XAT does not necessarily translate into having applied to XLRI or other B Schools. In addition to the XAT registration, you will have to separately send another application to the B Schools that are you interested in applying to
- When is the XAT conducted?
The XAT is usually conducted on the first Sunday of January.
- Who is eligible to take up the XAT?
Candidates who intend to take up the XAT must have a bachelors degree or an equivalent degree from a recognized university or a deemed university under the 10+2+3 or the 10+2+4 system. Students in their final year are also eligible, provided they produce valid documents certifying course completion to the admitted institute before the program commences.
- When and how to apply for the XAT?
The XAT notification is usually released in leading newspapers across the country in August - September. Application forms will be available from the beginning of September to the end of November at select AXIS Bank outlets and also at the administrative office of XLRI, Jamshedpur (can be obtained by drawing a DD in favour of "XLRI Jamshedpur A/c Prospectus", payable at Jamshedpur). The cost of the application depends on the number of programs that the candidate wishes to apply for.
- What is tested in the XAT?
The XAT covers three topics, viz., Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation and Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning and Decision Making. In addition a 250-300 word essay also needs to be written.
- Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning
The areas tested are
- Reading Comprehension - Standard reading comprehension passages.
- Logical Reasoning - Critical Reasoning (short passage), Inductive Reasoning, Critical Reasoning (Strengthening / Weakening).
- English Usage - Jumbled Paragraph, Fill in the blanks (Passages based on grammar and vocabulary), Odd one out, Miscellaneous language based questions.
- Data Interpretation and Quantitative Ability
Areas tested are Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Data Sufficiency, Reasoning based questions in quantitative ability.
- Analytical reasoning and Decision Making
Areas tested are Matching, Arrangement, Data Verification, Mathematical Reasoning, Decision Making (Verbal)
- Some of the topics for the essay questions are
- Earth provides enough to satisfy everybody's need but not everybody's greed (2010)
- The Inherent vice of Capitalism is unequal sharing of blessings and the inherent virtue of Socialism is equal sharing of misery (2009)
- Gender imbalance will lead to Third World War (2008)
- Economic growth without environmental damage - a mirage or a reality? (2007)
- What is the duration of the test?
The duration of the test in 2012 was two and a half hours. The three topics of the XAT were tested for 2 hours. After a 5-10 minute break, 20 minutes were allotted towards writing the essay.
- Is the XAT a paper based test or computer based test?
The XAT is a paper based test.
- What is the scoring pattern of the XAT? Is there negative marking?
In XAT 2012 different questions carried different marks. The marks allotted to each question was mentioned next to the question on the question paper. There is negative marking for incorrect answers. 1/4th of the mark allotted to a question is deducted for answering it incorrectly.
- For how long is the XAT score valid?
The XAT score is valid for just one year.
- What are the Management Institutes / Business Schools that accept the XAT score?
Click for list of Business Schools / Management Institutes in India that accept XAT Scores »
- When are the XAT results out?
The results are usually announced during the last week of January.
- Are there different centres where the test can be taken?
There are many centres across the country where the test is given. While registering for the test, the centre can be chosen by the applicant.